Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Baby Bear's Blankets Desire Statment

Baby Bear’s Blankets
Desire Statement
My desire for this organization is to encourage mothers who have received a terminal diagnosis for their child to hold onto every moment that they have with their unborn child. Also, my most cherished possession is the blanket that my child was wrapped in at her birth. I held it close in the weeks and months after her birth and death and know that I was lucky to have know in advance that we would more than likely not be taking out little angel home with us. I was prepared with a special blanket that I had brought to the hospital for her birth. Some other mothers are not aware of their unborn Child's illness or if they are they are not aware of the blessing that it is to have there Child's blanket after losing such a precious life.
I want to provide handmade baby receiving blankets to Valley Baptist Medical Center’s Labor and Delivery department to be provided to a mother who have gone into labor, lost their child there or if their child is sick and the possibility of losing their child is near. Along with the blanket I would like to also place a card with a simple prayer and contact information for the mother and family to get a hold of me and others that I have met along this bittersweet journey that we have made.
My hopes for the future of this organization is that we will be able to move further out into the community and be able to provide quilts for other hospital’s Labor and Delivery departments in the surrounding area and beyond, to any other hospitals that we can reach. I would also like to contact other women, men, families, churches and any one that is willing to help donate, sew, pray or contribute to the cause of these families and others who have lost such a precious little one. To help them know that they are not alone and that no matter what our children will never be forgotten and though we will never stop missing them, we can grieve, cry, keep breathing and love them with the hope and knowledge that we will see them again one day.

If you would like more information. Or if you would like to help with Baby Bear's Blankets? Please contact me at As well if you are a mother who has recently lost her child or have received a terminal diagnosis. Please feel free to contact me at any time. I know how much it meant to me to hear from other mothers who had lost as well. Only a mother who has lost can truly understand the grief, pain and desire that you are going through. Thank you so much and God Bless! Christy (Baby Bear's Momma Bear)

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