Saturday, June 27, 2009

What a success 06-27-09

Our second sewing day for Baby Bear’s Blankets was a huge success. With 10 Guild members and 3 additional ladies helping, we were able to complete 31 blankets of the two different sizes (20 x 20 and 30 x 30). We were requested recently to make the additional size of the 20 x 20 blankets by the hospital for the smaller and younger babies that would be using them. The request that was made worked out well since we had a large amount of scrap material that several of the ladies were able to piece into the smaller quilts. They turned out so lovely and I’m sure that it will be a huge blessing to the families that received them.
We were extremely blessed to be able to be at the Stitching Barn with plenty of space to spread out and work on our individual tasks. As well, we were able to enjoy the company and really get to know each other more. Linda Chase was so kind as to provide Brownie Pie and our new Baby Bear’s Blankets tradition of Chicken Salad for lunch. The 6 hours seams to fly by with conversation, iced tea and the sounds of sergers, sewing machines and laughter.
We now have close to 60 more panels that have been pieced that only need to be pillow turned and top stitched. With these that were completed today we will be able to meet a large number of the need at Valley Baptist Medical Center, Harlingen for 2009. The additional blankets will be donated to VBMC, Harlingen as needed and our hopes are that we will be able to branch out into the neighboring hospitals.
Thank you so much ladies for all your kindness in attending our sewing day and to all of you who donated material. You have made this dream a reality and a true blessing for all the families that will tragically be losing their precious child.
Our hope is to plan the next sewing day after retreat and close to the end of the year. As soon as we have a firm date we will be letting you know, so you can mark it on your calendar. Also, if you would like to get evolved in completing some of our panels please see Linda Chase or Christy Pohler at the guild meeting.

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